Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Vicco tooth powder(Vajradanti!)

When Vicco tooth powder (remember the inimitable Vajradanti!), in its ads showed an allegedly useless – and obviously unattractive – oval shaped tin of a competitor, though without any label, everyone could still identify the “useless tin” as a Colgate tooth powder can. Once again, MRTP noted that the advertisement created an impression in the viewers’ minds that the can was of Colgate, and they would be inclined to believe that the product was absolutely useless, which was not right. As must be clear by now, though effective, comparative advertising should be used with extreme caution. Comparative advertising is most effective when it’s factual, and there are significant & meaningful points of differences that are highlighted.

For complete IIPM article click here

Source:- IIPM Editorial

Visit also:- IIPM Publication, Business & Economy & Arindam Chaudhuri Initiative

Saturday, September 23, 2006

The fight for consolidation gets fierce

The Indian banking industry currently appears to be at the threshold of a consolidation saga before the battlefield is made open to global giants in 2009. However, more than just as a preparation for banking liberalization scheduled in 2009, consolidations seem to be driven by the ongoing struggle for survival. According to Ajinkya A. Dhavale, Research Analyst, ILFS Investsmart Securities Limited, “The Indian banking sector is very buoyant at the moment and there is a lot of confidence among the players; everybody wants to make their presence felt.”

Well, these developments in the Indian banking industry point towards one thing: in this cut throat competition, there’s just one rule... the rule of Kill Bill!

For complete IIPM article click here

Source:- IIPM Editorial